Lisa Mullins reported that the Nottingham Rugby team is doing so poorly that they are experiencing a huge dip in their fan base. To combat this, a company donated 1000 blow-up people to sit in the stands along with the 1300 real fans at a recent game. I'd like to leave it at that, because the item speaks for itself, but I have to ask:
- What on earth did the company think it would get out of this move? Does this company make blow-up dolls? Did they have them all wear hats with their logo? Not including this information seems like a serious miss.
- What would it be like to sit at the ballpark (or whatever a rugby stadium is called) surrounded by blow-up dolls? Would it not give the poor fans nightmares?
- Will this cause more fans to come out for the poor Nottingham club?
Okay, going back to baby-land and signing off for now. I'll be trying to start writing sporadically now and again, as I hear stories worth sharing.