Tuesday, May 1, 2007

To Follow Up

In his blog today, Dan Savage reviewed an article in The Nation, a magazine which I definitely don't read and I'm surprised he does, regarding carbon consumption for various methods of travelling (see my blog post from last week) . Not only is it an interesting, if depressing, discussion, but it's also by Dan Savage and therefore worth reading by definition. In general, while cars suck, planes, zeppelins, trains, and boats suck too, and possibly more.


Mark said...

What's so bad about The Nation?

SabraGirl said...

You know what's funny - I always thought the nation was a super-right wing newspaper but I think I was getting it confused with a different paper, since I wikipedia'd it and it is apparently super-liberal. Shows how much I know!

Mark said...

You were thinking of The New Republic, I think...

Joy to the World said...

The Nation is actually quite good. I had a subscription in college, and I was always impressed by the depth of the articles. I haven't read it in years though.